Andrei Zinkevich AKA The Lead Whisperer artwork
The Marketing Picnic

Andrei Zinkevich AKA The Lead Whisperer

  • S1E10
  • 54:49
  • January 30th 2020

As you guys know, there is nothing I enjoy more than feeling stupid. And if there's one person that has consistently made me feel stupid over the last 6 months, it's my main man Andrei.

He's an absolute God when it comes to b2b marketing.

If I have any question about b2b marketing, I'll always check his blog (getleado) first.

That's why I shared an excerpt of his blog here, earlier this week.

What I admire most about his approach is that it's extremely logical and well thought out. If it can be tracked or optimized, you can be sure that Andrei's done it.

He's the go-to guy for anything lead generation, b2b funnels, lead scoring, lead nurturing etc....

Basically, he's the weapon that can tell you which tool to use for which problem. And then he'll do it for you as well.

On top of all of that he's made a thriving community for B2B Marketers & Founders. Which is where all b2b marketers and founders go to learn so they can look smart in front of other people in the industry.

(They also go there if they want to make more money).

Andrei is highly technical, but in our talk, I want to go over the basics again:

- What is a funnel?

- How do you get started with funnels?

- How do you nurture leads?

- How do you run an experiment?

- How do you figure out who your ideal customer is?

I'm pumped about this, and you should be too.

Much Love,

Stapho Thienpont

The Marketing Picnic

On The Marketing Picnic we identify, explore and practicalize the key insights that set apart top performers. Our focus is on growth marketing, entrepeneurship and generally winning at life. |

This show is for you if you're looking to go deep, are sick of short term tactics and feel cats are a vital part of marketing. It's not cause it's deep "brings ROI" that it needs to be boring. |

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