David Brier AKA One Brand-y Boiiii artwork
The Marketing Picnic

David Brier AKA One Brand-y Boiiii

  • S1E27
  • 1:05:10
  • February 24th 2020

Nobody cares about your pitch.

We see more than 5000 marketing messages a day.

That's a lot of noise.

90% of those messages are forgotten instantly.

That's why you need to rise above the noise.

You need to be seen as different.

Enter David Brier.

World-renown branding expert and Bestselling-author.

He's worked with everyone from Rolling Stones Magazine to startups and even cities.

"Branding is the art of differentiation."

It's not just about making a logo.

It's looking at the market.

And seeing how you can be different.

Not "the same as but."

But a totally different story.

Ready to be remembered.

Ready to stand out.

Ready to sell.

How do you do that?

One tactic is looking at what your market is known for.

Plumbers used to be known as people that are always late.

So one brand made a promise.

"For every minute we're late, we'll pay you 5 bucks".

Guess who dominated that market?

I got this example from David.

He mentioned it when he was interviewed by Grant Cardone.

I'll be interviewing David Next.

We're going to dive deep into branding.

If you check in, you'll learn how to stand out from the crowd.

The Marketing Picnic

On The Marketing Picnic we identify, explore and practicalize the key insights that set apart top performers. Our focus is on growth marketing, entrepeneurship and generally winning at life. |

This show is for you if you're looking to go deep, are sick of short term tactics and feel cats are a vital part of marketing. It's not cause it's deep "brings ROI" that it needs to be boring. |

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