Gerard Compte AKA The Man Who Sends Emails With Love ❤️ artwork
The Marketing Picnic

Gerard Compte AKA The Man Who Sends Emails With Love ❤️

  • S1E35
  • 57:00
  • March 6th 2020

Want to hear about my first "Growth Hack"?

It all starts with Roel De Cock, in 2017.

One of Belgium most critically acclaimed videographers.

He came to me with an odd request.

"There's no place for Belgian Video

Creators to hang out online."

The sole forum had long been abandoned.

He wanted to build a Facebook group.

He'd be the Video Guy; I'd be the marketing guy.

"Sure, let's do it!"

We knew how to run a group.

But we didn't know where to find the Videographers.

Since there was no community.

That's when I found Findthatlead.

Now here was a tool that allowed me to quickly and easily find the emails of all videographers in Belgium.

Before I knew it,

I was LinkedIn messaging people en masse, inviting them to be in the group.

(little known fact, you can find LinkedIn profile URL's with findthatlead, lied a bit about that on LinkedIn)

Within a month, we had the biggest group for Belgian Video Creators.

Today it has 1,107 members and multiple posts every day.

It was only last year that I met CEO and Founder of FindThatLead.

Gerard Compte the man who sends emails with love.

The man who got me addicted to growth.

It's an honor to interview him here today.

The Marketing Picnic

On The Marketing Picnic we identify, explore and practicalize the key insights that set apart top performers. Our focus is on growth marketing, entrepeneurship and generally winning at life. |

This show is for you if you're looking to go deep, are sick of short term tactics and feel cats are a vital part of marketing. It's not cause it's deep "brings ROI" that it needs to be boring. |

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