How Nikola Tomov Became the #1 Scientific Fitness Expert in Bulgaria and How That Scaled Into A Business Empire artwork
The Marketing Picnic

How Nikola Tomov Became the #1 Scientific Fitness Expert in Bulgaria and How That Scaled Into A Business Empire

  • S1E43
  • 1:48:45
  • March 24th 2020

One of the most raw, honest and profound interviews we've done.

Nikola Tomov and I tackled some subjects close to my heart

- The importance of experimentation in entrepreneurship

- How to deal with balance in life and business

- How to keep yourself effective every single day

- How to grow a YouTube channel

- How to scale

Truly a wonderful guest and conversation. Surely an episode I'll be mentioning during conversation on a weekly basis.

Thanks for hopping on The Picnic!

The Marketing Picnic

On The Marketing Picnic we identify, explore and practicalize the key insights that set apart top performers. Our focus is on growth marketing, entrepeneurship and generally winning at life. |

This show is for you if you're looking to go deep, are sick of short term tactics and feel cats are a vital part of marketing. It's not cause it's deep "brings ROI" that it needs to be boring. |

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