How Working With VA's Allowed Nathan Hirsch Scale to 7 Figures as a 20 Year Old artwork
The Marketing Picnic

How Working With VA's Allowed Nathan Hirsch Scale to 7 Figures as a 20 Year Old

  • S1E46
  • 46:22
  • March 27th 2020

Launching an entrepreneurial business can be daunting. Growing success involves a leadership that can create a profitable delegation style. The aim is to find the perfect trifecta.

What is the perfect trifecta?


Positive Attitude.

Clear Communication.

Someone who has perfected this is, Nathan Hirsch, co-founder of OutsourceSchool.

Nathan has displayed compelling leadership that has brought him immense success and recognition. 

Nathan Hirsch started his entrepreneurial journey over ten years ago. Nathan had his first million-dollar company at twenty!

This company sold more than thirty million dollars in product. Since then, he has developed an art of designing and launching profitable businesses.

Nathan found solutions for the freelance market while working in eCommerce. Nathan Hirsch, with his co-founder, created the company FreeeUp.

This marketplace allows connections between business owners and freelance talent.

This talent is the top 1% in their field! 

Nathan's business continued to grow and see accomplishments. He has continued to uphold outstanding customer service and fast interaction.

Nathan and his co-founder were the face of FreeeUp for almost five years. Both founders chose to make a successful transition to new leadership. 

Nathan Hirsch and his co-founder, Connor Gillivan, moved to their next project. Both men have over ten years of entrepreneurial experience and two successful businesses.

Together, they founded OutsourceSchool using this experience and past success. Both founders are recognized for scaling companies in different markets.

Nathan and his co-founder have now launched an education platform for other entrepreneurs. 

This platform is for entrepreneurs who have a desire to learn how to scale their business.

They focus on using reliable virtual assistants, or VA's. Courses offered by OutsourceSchool include hiring, using, and retaining high quality VA's!

If you dream of how you can scale your own business faster with the help of virtual assistance look here:

Here, you can get a sneak peek into the right tools to make your it work and how to integrate these techniques into your business! 

What was your favorite part of the podcast? Let us know! 

Want more episodes with successful entrepreneurs and freelancers?

Listen to TMF Picnic’s interview with Mikko Alasaarela, A True Visionary!

Listen to TMF Picnic’s interview with Daniel Bechsgaard, The Guy Who Made $70/hr. 3 Months After Starting to Freelance!

Selected Links from the Episode: 

Want to Connect with Nathan Hirsch?

Website []

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Outsource School | LinkedIn []

Twitter []

Interested in How Nathan Was Able to Manage a Team of 45 VA’s in an 8 Figure Business?

Disclosure: With full transparency, some links included in today’s episode contain affiliate links. If you do decide to use these links, thank you so much for the continuing support. I recommend these products only as my personal experience with them and in my own business!

Thanks for watching! 

The Marketing Picnic

On The Marketing Picnic we identify, explore and practicalize the key insights that set apart top performers. Our focus is on growth marketing, entrepeneurship and generally winning at life. |

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