Raj Goodman AKA The Founder of Goodman Lantern artwork
The Marketing Picnic

Raj Goodman AKA The Founder of Goodman Lantern

  • S1E37
  • 58:50
  • March 16th 2020

Without Raj, we would have lost 30 000 USD in Revenue.

Our client was getting frustrated.

We were hired to turn him into a LinkedIn thought-leader.

But we hit a wall.

His industry and mind were highly technical, and we needed someone to translate his thoughts into "human language."

We had great storytellers, but they struggled to understand the tech.

The client who's a tech genius and innovator couldn't simplify his message.

We tried copywriter after copywriter.

But no one was able to capture:

Their tone

The Technical finesse

The beauty of their company.

We were about to give up when Raj messaged us.

"I think we can help."

Within a month, we got this comment under one of our client's post:

"You have such a clear way of communicating complicated and technical Jargon".

Raj his writers, Editors, project managers, and the process had saved the day.

At a price that was 25% below our other writers'.

Creating content is a hard business. TMF has gone through many writers already.

But I wasn't surprised Raj managed, after all, he's scaled businesses from 7.5M to 40M in the past.

Something sets Goodman Lantern apart.

Today we're talking about:

- GL their Secret Sauce

- Bootstrapping Businesses

- Native content writing

See you in the comments!

The Marketing Picnic

On The Marketing Picnic we identify, explore and practicalize the key insights that set apart top performers. Our focus is on growth marketing, entrepeneurship and generally winning at life. |

This show is for you if you're looking to go deep, are sick of short term tactics and feel cats are a vital part of marketing. It's not cause it's deep "brings ROI" that it needs to be boring. |

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