Boob chat artwork

Boob chat

  • S2E6
  • 40:02
  • October 8th 2021

It’s time for the boob talk here on PlanitMum!! At 9 months pregnant, still living in a building site with no quiet space to be Kay finds herself in a makeshift tent in the conservatory, heavy breathing over the baby bump while talking tits to Rachael Wilding … boob peer support extraordinaire.


Once a career mad media girl Kay is now juggling freelancing, a fiery 3 year old, a kitten, a baldy business man and a house renovation. Oh and all the while cooking baby number 2. Unsure of how she gets through the day Kay spends her time on PlanItMum catching up on the week gone by, revealing your funny moments, confessing all, and, when she engages her brain, she talks to supermums who have done amazing things. Kay Crewdson is PlanItMum and yet, rather ironically, she wings it daily.