Aspiring young filmmaker Kyle Santoro discusses his upcoming documentary "Fentanyl High" and shares with Catherine and Brian insight about his upbringing and his creative process. Kyle is a junior at Los Gatos High School and has been making videos for school and community events throughout the Bay Area for the past 2 years. Fentanyl High is scheduled to premiere at the Los Gatos High School theater on May 16th 2023 at 6:30pm. The screening is open to the public.
The Los Gatos Podcast
Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce executive director Catherine Sommers teams up with lifelong resident and local real estate broker Brian Bernasconi to talk with community leaders, the business community and local residents about social, civil, business and political issues in the town of Los Gatos, CA and Silicon Valley. Informative and entertaining, PodCats LG is an essential resource for everyone living in Los Gatos and the communities surrounding Los Gatos.