![Quarantine Opportunities [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] artwork](https://images.pod.co/AbQQz2PV-ICA9EQvEBB2-KJ0FQmZdFd5BmaU1FFC4_I/resize:fill:600:600/plain/artwork/86158575-dc8a-49af-8c24-7493902b8052/polycast/quarantine-opportunities-fireside-micro-polycast.jpg)
Quarantine Opportunities [Fireside Micro-PolyCast]
- S2E30
- 05:57
- August 10th 2020
Simply wanted to express the immense opportunities that can be seen, if you open your mind during this #quarantine.
I hope that if you are dealing with health or financial difficulties that you make it past that hurdle prosperously. This is an episode for those who are not experiencing the deep problems, but I hope that can be helpful!
They say time is the most valuable asset, and I couldn't agree more. Due to this very weird time we were given an immense opportunity with a load of time on our hands.
Sure many people lost jobs, or starting working from home, so for them it may not be AS applicable. However I think that now we are at home, there is still much more time on our hands to go try that new hobby. Work on that book, and create content.
Perhaps this could be known as the great creative expression time, rather than a horrible pandemic.
Cheers, -Dustin M. PolyInnovator
The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
This show is for the polymathic, the entrepreneurial, the multipotentialites, and the Innovators!
The Polymath PolyCast: Unlocking Polymathic Potential
Welcome to the PolyCast, the show for the intellectually curious, the creatively diverse, and the endlessly innovative. I am your host Dustin Miller PolyInnovator, and this is the audio arm of my vast content ecosystem.
Now in Season 6!
Join me on a journey to becoming a polymath, and on the way we can explore the world of polymathy.
Where we explore the limitless potential of generalists, polymaths, multipotentialites, and more. The overarching theme is _polymathy_, the art of mastering multiple disciplines, and it serves as our compass as we navigate a vast sea of knowledge.
I offer you two captivating series formats:
Multidisciplinary Interviews:
Step into the minds of extraordinary individuals who are true polymaths, generalists, or masters of diverse skills. Our in-depth interviews uncover the secrets of their success, their unique approaches to learning, and the insights they've gained through their polymathic journeys.
Fireside MicroPolyCast:
Imagine sitting by a crackling fire, engaged in a stimulating conversation with your host. The Fireside MicroPolyCast episodes are like those cherished fireside chats, where I share insightful bursts of ideas, rants, explanations, news about PolyInnovator and short, thought-provoking discussions. It's the perfect quick dive into the world of polymathy.
On the PolyCast, I believe that the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Each episode is a unique exploration of interdisciplinary thinking, innovation, and the polymathic spirit. Join me and unleash your own polymathic potential.
Discover the power of versatile thinking, the beauty of connecting diverse dots, and the joy of learning across disciplines. Dive into The Polymath PolyCast today and embrace your inner polymath.
Find out more at https://polyinnovator.space and ignite your curiosity.