Fairy Tern Tales artwork
Practical Changemakers: A Carbon Positive Story

Fairy Tern Tales

  • S3E3
  • 30:01
  • December 12th 2022

Claire is a Conservation Biologist and Ornithologist passionate about sea and coastal birds. She recently completed a Ph.D. exploring the life history, behaviour, and ecology of the Australian Fairy Tern with the overarching view of informing conservation efforts for this vulnerable species.

Claire is Citizen Science Manager at the Conservation Council of Western Australia and works across various ecosystems, connecting landowners with citizen scientists to undertake ecological monitoring. She also convenes the Western Australian Fairy Tern Network (CCWA) and engages with land managers, NGOs, community groups, and citizen scientists across the state to increase protection for breeding colonies.

Join Claire as she discusses why citizen science is so important, the threatened Fairy Tern, and how you can get involved and make a difference. Claire is one inspiring individual making a huge difference to threatened species and the landscape of Australia. This is one chat you must hear.

To Learn how Carbon Positive Australia is making a difference and how you can be a part of it, click here!

Practical Changemakers. A Carbon Positive Story.

Practical Changemakers. A Carbon Positive Story

Meet the Host

Louise Tarrier avatar
Louise Tarrier
CEO, Carbon Positive Australia

Louise is passionate about the environment and connecting individuals to the land on which they live. She believes that you care about what you love. She wants to encourage everyone to care for country.

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Carbon Positive Australia is a registered Australian charity. Donations help fund planting projects across Australia. You can donate by going to: https://carbonpositiveaustralia.org.au/donate/.