Eat Your Own Spaghetti with Tanis McRae artwork
The Practical Realist

Eat Your Own Spaghetti with Tanis McRae

  • S1E14
  • 1:06:53
  • May 22nd 2020

Packing a lot of punch with this juicy one!

Tanis breaks a lot down for us by giving us tangible meaning and understanding to the energetic world through not only her famous analogies, but also with her humor and authenticity.

Tanis shares an important tip for the little energy sponges we're raising, how to reset your nervous system simply, and how to eat spaghetti.

We discuss an idea surrounding being of service, what a point of origin is, and we even get a Rumi Oracle card pulled for us!

If you're going to miss one, this shouldn't be it.

The Practical Realist

Join the quest to explore different perspectives and personal experiences to ruminate on what being human truly means.

And other things.