Going beyond CRO: An Inside Look at Today's Product-Led Growth Teams artwork
ProductLed Podcast

Going beyond CRO: An Inside Look at Today's Product-Led Growth Teams

  • E53
  • 11:46
  • February 23rd 2021

Understanding your customers and providing the best experience for them on product experimentation is quite a trend nowadays. Companies are now shifting to Experience Optimization. 

In this episode, Jean-Yves Simon will talk about how organizations use experimentation today. With this, he will talk on Experience Optimization and go beyond Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). He will also tell us about the kind of technology that you can use to do CRO tests and how customer success in the era of PLG is becoming more product-focused. 

Learn today’s trend in the industry! This episode will help PLG practitioners to make better their business through Experience Optimization. Do not miss this episode!

Show Notes

[01:36] JY on building his carer with AB Tasty 

[02:11] His view on experience optimization as part of the product development life cycle

[03:14] His opinion on what PLG companies need to put more experience in product experiments

[04:21] Tools he recommends to have a whole experience optimization in companies

[06:20] What the whole experience optimization looks like vs traditional optimization for him

[07:53] What the experience optimization team composition is and its functions for him

[09:46] His important advice on looking at side KPIs and customer success to PLG practitioners 

About Jean-Yves Simon

Jean-Yves Simon is a product leader who specializes in SaaS with deep expertise in MarTech and AdTech platforms & Apps, including Display, Email and Data platforms. He is the current Senior Vice President for Products at AB Tasty.


ProductLed Podcast

The ProductLed Podcast is a weekly interview series with both product-led growth leaders and practitioners who have real knowledge to share on what it takes to use their product to grow a business.