How to Create a Product Adoption Strategy artwork
ProductLed Podcast

How to Create a Product Adoption Strategy

  • E69
  • 39:27
  • June 15th 2021

Andrea Saez is the Senior Product Marketing Manager at airfocus. airfocus is an easy-to-use prioritization and road mapping software solution that helps teams visualize priorities, build lean roadmaps, collaborate on strategy, and align vision with the whole organization. In this episode, she will talk about creating a product adoption strategy. She will also give tips and recommendations on doing product adoption and dealing with customers. 

Show Notes

[00:58] How Andrea defines Product Strategy and how it fits in the product roadmap

[01:38] How to start coming up with product adoption strategy in teams for her 

[02:41] Her suggestion on the product adoption goal to drive around and how to hit it

[04:41] Her way of knowing if a product is already adopted

[07:02] The strategies and tactics to achieve the desired goal or outcome 

[09:07] An experiment she had on product adoption

[10:50] On driving product adoption geared towards a buying persona

[12:45] How she measures product adoption on new features

[15:57] How she deals with user issues 

[18:21] On measuring loyalty, giving delighters, and creating and developing relationships with users

[26:18] Her advice for the product-led community and enthusiasts

[30:13] Her view on the scope of product adoption

[31:22] Her tips for creating a customer experience journey map across teams

[33:01] How she handles communication with uninterested customers

[36:24] On balancing self-education and personal experience for customers

About Andrea Saez

Andrea Saez is passionate about product management, growth strategies, and community engagement. She loves to learn, talk, and engage with customers and apply product-thinking to scaling companies. She shares her passion through writing and hosting talks and events.

Andrea is the Co-Founder of The Product Dynamic. It is a company that helps teams navigate organizations, defeat cognitive biases and create healthy working dynamics across teams to build great products and drive positive change. She has honed her expertise through her experiences working in various companies such as Evoca, CakeMail, Amilia Technologies, Inc., Brandwatch and ProdPad.


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Andrea Saez on LinkedIn

ProductLed Podcast

The ProductLed Podcast is a weekly interview series with both product-led growth leaders and practitioners who have real knowledge to share on what it takes to use their product to grow a business.