Diving into WOTUS and adapting nutrition to cow size – with Mary-Thomas Hart and Ron Scott artwork
Progressive Cattle Podcast

Diving into WOTUS and adapting nutrition to cow size – with Mary-Thomas Hart and Ron Scott

  • S4E7
  • 1:04:00
  • April 26th 2023

In this episode, Tyrell and Ron Scott of Purina Animal Nutrition talk about the need for adapting nutrition guidelines as average cow size grows. Carrie also visits with Mary-Thomas Hart, Chief Counsel, Government Affairs for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association about the current state of the Waters of the U.S. rules and where that leaves cattle producers. David, Tyrell and Carrie also discuss the recent BLM announcement about public land use.

Progressive Cattle Podcast

Progressive Cattle editors David Cooper and Cassidy Woolsey sit down with “Irons in the Fire” columnist Paul Marchant to chew the cud on current events in the beef industry, preview the upcoming edition of the magazine, and interview some good friends from the ag community.