5 Things A Marketing Director Wants Every Writer to Know | FIRST EDITING artwork
Publishing Power

5 Things A Marketing Director Wants Every Writer to Know | FIRST EDITING

  • S1E5
  • 30:05
  • December 23rd 2019

Bridget Marmion, a veteran marketing director, who spent decades at FSG, Random House, Houghton Mifflin and also worked with self-published authors, shares the top tips she wishes every writer knew, whether your genre is fiction or non-fiction.

Title, format, price, ads, publicity, social media, events, email marketing, what matters for YOUR book?

Bridget Marmion, a veteran marketing director, who spent decades at FSG, Random House, Houghton Mifflin and also worked with self-published authors, shares the top tips she wishes every writer knew, whether your genre is fiction or non-fiction.

During this 20 minute presentation Bridget will cover:

  • When you should begin plans to launch your book
  • The first question each author must answer before developing an effective publishing and marketing plan
  • The most important marketing tool
  • The least sexy, most crucial effective element of any marketing campaign
  • Developing YOUR marketing/promotional campaign

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