Sense of Taste - Improve Your Story Writing (The 38 Story Elements) | FIRST EDITING artwork
Publishing Power

Sense of Taste - Improve Your Story Writing (The 38 Story Elements) | FIRST EDITING

  • S1E67
  • 08:40
  • April 23rd 2024

Whether you’re a fiction writer or professional editor, this series is for you!

Taste is like all of the other senses, you want to use it in a sense that's related to the plot. Use it to show emotion - it can trigger a memory, use it with lovers sharing intimate moments - just that you wanted to bring the scene alive but the main thing is to relate it to the story.

We know how taste is very important in describing in our books. This podcast tells you how you can make the 'sense of taste' memorable and how we should be using and implementing this type of sense.

Discover how to use the element “Sense of Taste” in a story to improve your writing now.

PS. Follow us on YouTube to get the full 38 Story Elements Educational Series. We release a new episode each week! 

You can also watch the episode here.

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