Damien D'Souza "Unique Value Propositions" artwork
Questions of Fire

Damien D'Souza "Unique Value Propositions"

  • S1E36
  • 1:00:08
  • July 7th 2021

Developing a Unique Value Proposition with Damien.

A hands-on consultant with extensive CxO and Director level experience in commercial, operational, product, and programme management. Passionate about working with like-minded people to differentiate through smart thinking and unique value propositions, to solve complex issues, create scalable solutions and deliver value.

A first-class track record in strategy and execution of business and digital transformation, technology integration and customer experience within Telecoms, Media, Technology and Fintech sectors.

Find Damien @


Questions of Fire with Jonathan McGuinness

Ask Better Questions Everyday

Questions are Fire that lights the path from Problem to Solution

A conflict arose in some of my most important relationships. My first reaction was to ask why others would stress me but that would get me nowhere and I knew it. A clarity about which questions I asked and which question my relatives asked revealed itself to me. Why did a certain set of questions stress me? How do questions work together? How could relationships be improved if we understood the context of questions? 

Jonathan McGuinness is on a journey trying to find his way! His way to build better relationships!

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Jonathan McGuinness
Podcaster "The Forever WhiteBelt"

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