Richard Newton "The Freelance Consultant" artwork
Questions of Fire

Richard Newton "The Freelance Consultant"

  • S1E32
  • 50:46
  • May 26th 2021

Richard is a best-selling author and business consultant. As a writer, he is mostly known for his numerous professional books, including his latest, The Freelance Consultant, published in April 2021. However, from time to time, he is known to dabble in fiction as well. As a consultant, he works globally, helping large organisations improve their change capabilities. Outside of work he has lots of interests, and is currently doing a Masters in philosophy at Edinburgh University. He lives part time in the UK and part time in Poland.

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Questions of Fire with Jonathan McGuinness

Ask Better Questions Everyday

Questions are Fire that lights the path from Problem to Solution

A conflict arose in some of my most important relationships. My first reaction was to ask why others would stress me but that would get me nowhere and I knew it. A clarity about which questions I asked and which question my relatives asked revealed itself to me. Why did a certain set of questions stress me? How do questions work together? How could relationships be improved if we understood the context of questions? 

Jonathan McGuinness is on a journey trying to find his way! His way to build better relationships!

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Jonathan McGuinness
Podcaster "The Forever WhiteBelt"

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