“Interracial Best Friends”
This episode Nick tells us how he hurt his self moongazing then gets mad at Craig and Samara. We also talk about Craig’s weekend with Dan Soder at Comedy on State and the assault he witnessed going home from the show, Mike Richards repercussions for taking Jeopardy from Levar Burton, Lil Nas X’s Taco Bell endorsement, What is First African Landing Day and Why, OnlyFans banning sex workers, a woman shoots her friend playing with a cat and more.
Radio 22: Nobody Cares Podcast
Tune in to Nobody Cares, a comedy podcast where NOTHING is off limits. Stand up comedians Craig Smith, Nick Hart, and Samara Suomi have constructed a hilarious podcast for the listener that includes them speaking on current issues, their own personal experiences as comedians, and interviewing special guests. There is never a dull moment when you think #NobodyCares