Toys & Tech of The Trade-Episode 58 artwork
RAGE Works Network-All Shows

Toys & Tech of The Trade-Episode 58

  • 1:40:33
  • February 21st 2022

Underdog Showcase: Anna Fitzgerald

Toys & Tech of the Trade continues to showcase the talented individuals from within Noah Kagan's Underdog community, and this week Rich sits down with Anna Fitzgerald. She has had a unique journey when it comes to her career. Anna is a creative life coach, but that is scratching the surface of her unique talents, including cellist, artist, songwriter, and more. Anna has a Master's Degree in Radio/TV/Film and a Bachelors Degree in Art Education.

Anna educates Rich on what a Flow Coach does and how her journey was a factor in her current career path. Her triumphs are the backbone of her story, and the self-discoveries she made along the way truly influence her approach to life and personal development.

Rich even got a bit of an analysis from Anna that opened up another aspect of the conversation. So if you're looking to augment your mental health, balance, and productivity, this conversation with Anna will surely help put you on the path to being the best version of yourself.

The views expressed on air during Toys & Tech of the Trade do not represent the views of the RAGE Works staff, partners, or affiliates. Listener discretion advised.

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The RAGE Works podcast network features a variety of podcasts that cover various topics, including gaming, wrestling, mixed martial arts (MMA), sports, business, and much more. The RAGE Works podcast network is dedicated to providing you with rants covering a wide range of topics, including gaming, entertainment, and "the works."

The My Take Radio podcast was the first to debut on the RAGE Works podcast network in 2014, along with three other shows. The network continues to add new shows and is always looking to showcase diverse talent. Each individual podcast is available on the RAGE Works podcast network website as well as wherever else you get your podcast fix.