Are You Tracking The Important Stuff For Weight Loss? artwork
Reaching ONEderland

Are You Tracking The Important Stuff For Weight Loss?

  • S1E50
  • 11:14
  • August 21st 2021

This Podcast

The number on the scale is not the be-all and end-all measure of weight loss success.

I see all the time, “Muscle weighs more than fat”, and then I see 70 people jump on the person that said that about how a pound is a pound. LOL

Guess what?

1 pound of muscle takes up about ¼ of the space as 1 pound of fat.

Sooo if you are gaining muscle, but losing fat, the scale may not move, but your measurements are going to change.

Today's podcast covers this as well as some tips to keep in mind as you're losing weight and ready to throw the flipping scale out the window because it’s not moving fast enough.  

Looking to track the stuff weight loss is made of?

Grab your trackers here:

Listen in to learn more.

Let’s talk healthy!

About Reaching ONEderland

Welcome to Reaching ONEderland where I help you reach your weight loss goal and maintain it because without maintaining it, you're stuck on that weight loss rollercoaster forever. It is my belief that mindset, habits, and a simply healthy eating structure are the cornerstones of reaching your weight loss goals.  

Each of these along with moderation helped me finally lose 120 pounds and they helped me maintain my weight loss 7 years later - even as I go into menopause.

You can use these skills to lose weight, balance hormones, bust cravings, break plateaus and get on track and stay there!

About Coach Michelle

I'm coach Michelle and I am a unique weight loss coach in that for 42 years, I was on the weight loss rollercoaster. I lost a hundred pounds, three times. 

I was put on my very first diet at the age of nine, and it was a 900 calorie diet. I never want to go back there, but it was not until I was 42 that I actually figured out how to lose the weight and keep it off. At 42 I lost weight in 18 months and I’ve maintained it for seven years. 

If you do the math, that means I am 50 years old and I am still maintaining said 120-pound weight loss that took me about 18 months to achieve, and I achieved that weight loss after 40. 

I am here to help you reach your weight loss goal and stay there!

Don’t listen when they say you can’t lose weight after you reach 40, 

My goal is not to help you do another diet, but to create a lifestyle of healthy living that allows you to maintain your weight loss for life!


Weight loss is about a lot more than “eat less and move more”! But to reach your goal the number one thing you must do is track what you eat!

Get started with the basics for weight loss tracking in this free guide: Simply Healthy Lifestyle Health Trackers.

Get your “trackers to lose weight without setting yourself up for the weight loss rollercoaster so you can become the happy, healthy, active, hot, sexy woman, wife, mother, and/or grandmother you want to be!” 

Start tracking today:

Reaching ONEderland

If you're focused on eat less and move more your doing it wrong! SUCCESS starts with the MIND and is achieved with HABITS & HORMONE BALANCE!

For women that have spent a lifetime fighting their weight, get off the weight loss rollercoaster, put control in your hands when it comes to food.

I spent a lifetime trying to keep 100 pounds off, once I figured out how to balance my hormones, change the thoughts in my head and enjoy life where I was, the weight finally started falling off.

That is when I knew I had to share and help other women over 40 that think it's impossible to lose weight and keep it off.

Weight loss is about a lot more than “eat less and move more”! But to reach your goal the number one thing you must do is balance so your hormones so the weight will come off!

Get started with the basics for weight loss in this free guide: 3 Simple Tips to Balance Hormones

Get your “3 steps to lose weight without setting yourself up for the weight loss rollercoaster so you can become the happy, healthy, hot, sexy, active woman, wife, mother, and/or grandmother you want to be!”