Today on the podcast we have a special guest. Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin. She is the author of "The Binge Cure, 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating." This is an amazing book and a book on the reading list of the ONEder Sisters Inner Circle, a membership for creating weight loss habits to help you reach your ONEderland Weight Loss goals.
We have spent a great deal of time as a group discussing the techniques Dr. Nina shares in her book. This book is definitely worth a read, if you struggle with emotional eating.
Dr Nina, joins us today to discuss the article she wrote for Psyche-"How to Stop Emotional Eating".
Today we are going to discuss the following three questions as they relate to weight loss:
- Let's talk about cravings... ya know we all have them. From a psychoanalytic approach how do you see cravings?
- I love that you say stop dieting. Now I encourage using habits and one of those habits is planning your food for the week, and for some habits that work. But habits are only part of it… When you say: stop dieting I don’t think you mean just have “a food free for all”. What are you advising people to do?
- How would you help women overcome feeling powerless? This is often a HUGE reason we as women eat.
After listening to the podcast if you want to read an amazing article to help you understand why you emotionally eat check out Dr. Nina's article here;
Weight loss is about a lot more than “eat less and move more”! But to reach your goal the number one thing you must do is track what you eat!
Get started with the basics for weight loss in this free guide: Simple Weight Loss For Women Over 40
Get your “3 steps to lose weight without setting yourself up for the weight loss rollercoaster so you can become the hot, sexy, active woman, wife, mother, and/or grandmother you want to be!”
Reaching ONEderland
If you're focused on eat less and move more your doing it wrong! SUCCESS starts with the MIND and is achieved with HABITS & HORMONE BALANCE!
For women that have spent a lifetime fighting their weight, get off the weight loss rollercoaster, put control in your hands when it comes to food.
I spent a lifetime trying to keep 100 pounds off, once I figured out how to balance my hormones, change the thoughts in my head and enjoy life where I was, the weight finally started falling off.
That is when I knew I had to share and help other women over 40 that think it's impossible to lose weight and keep it off.
Weight loss is about a lot more than “eat less and move more”! But to reach your goal the number one thing you must do is balance so your hormones so the weight will come off!
Get started with the basics for weight loss in this free guide: 3 Simple Tips to Balance Hormones
Get your “3 steps to lose weight without setting yourself up for the weight loss rollercoaster so you can become the happy, healthy, hot, sexy, active woman, wife, mother, and/or grandmother you want to be!”