Episode 205: Think Thrice artwork
Realm Maintenance

Episode 205: Think Thrice

  • 51:51
  • August 23rd 2016

The Tauren Think Tank returns to the show prior to its 200th episode and helps Rho with an e-mail from an anonymous podcaster. Find the Tauren Think Tank podcast at taurenthinktank.com Podcast News: Final Boss, Warcraft Knightly News(NEW), Daughters of Azeroth(NEW), Girls Gone WoW, Chics that Click, Group Quest, The Starting Zone, Saturday Morning WoW, […]

Realm Maintenance

Your News for World of Warcraft and Blizzard Game Podcasts

Connecting You to Podcasts Covering World of Warcraft and other Blizzard Entertainment Games

Hosted by Gareth "Athalus" Cales of Warcraft Radio, Realm Maintenance aims to better connect its listeners with podcasters and other content creators through interviews and a summary of notable recent episodes from those creators. Realm Maintenance was originally created by Brian "Rho" Black, who ran the show from 2012-2021.