RRP-S01-E04-The-Charity-of-a-Viscount-by-Linda-Rae-Sande artwork
Regency Romance Podcast


  • S1E4
  • 50:45
  • July 17th 2020

A deluxe sample of The Charity of a Viscount (The Widowers of the Aristocracy, Book 4), and interview with Historical Romance author, and ancient Greece enthusiast, Linda Rae Sande.

Hosted, edited, etc. by Tessa Candle. (https://www.tessacandle.com/rrp/regencyromancepodcast.html)

Book author: Linda Rae Sande https://lindaraesande.com


FREE E-book mentioned in this episode: https://www.amazon.com/Kiss-Viscount-Daughters-Aristocracy-Book-ebook/dp/B00BXGUOU6/&tag=tessacandle02-20

Book narrator: Michael Troughton http://www.michaeltroughton.co.uk/about

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Amazon.com or Audible: https://www.amazon.com/Charity-Viscount-Widowers-Aristocracy-Book/dp/B07XDN1TP2/&tag=tessacandle02-20

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Apple Books Audio: https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/charity-viscount-widowers-aristocracy-book-4-unabridged/id1478982084?mt=11&at=1010lSvG

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Kobo Audio: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/charity-of-a-viscount-the

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Nook Audio: https://www.nookaudiobooks.com/audiobook/1006606/charity-of-a-viscount-the

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Google Audio: Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details?id=AQAAAEAs92G3XM&gl=US&hl=en-US

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Audiobooks.com: https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/charity-of-a-viscount/403182

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/422735670/The-Charity-of-a-Viscount

Get The Charity of a Viscount on Authors Direct: https://shop.authors-direct.com/collections/linda-rae-sande/products/1006606

Linda Rae Sande's audio book page: https://www.lindaraesande.com/audiobooks.html


What is real and what is fiction when it comes to Marcus Lancaster's life?

An overactive imagination has never been too much of a problem for the viscount. It comes in handy during boring sessions of parliament and keeps the widower entertained on lonely nights when there are no events to attend. Now that his daughter is making her come-out, he is looking to remarry and has set his cap on a widowed countess.

Charity, Countess of Wadsworth, is relieved to be widowed and has no intention of finding another husband - except for others. She has just accepted an offer to become the matchmaker at the charity, "Finding Wives for the Wounded".

Until Lancaster makes a comment about having spent an evening in the gardens with her, Charity has no idea she's a major player in the viscount's daydreams. Her only interaction with him was a waltz! So just how much has this man imagined? He seems to know far too much - including her secret wish. And does he realize it's not about to become reality?

Or is it?

The lines between dreams and real life are about to become blurry in The Charity of a Viscount.

Regency Romance Podcast

Welcome! Here are your fuzzy slippers and hot chocolate--or champagne as you prefer. This is a long form podcast for people who love reading or listening to Regency, Victorian and Georgian Romance novels. Episode running time varies, but is typically 45 minutes and up. Each episode features a free, deluxe length, high quality audio book sample from a Historical Romance novel (some of them steamy) followed by an interview with the author--all hosted by Historical Romance author, Tessa Candle.

Be warned: some of the audio book content might be steamy, and because of that, there may occasionally be some naughty words or adult themes in the interviews. But overall the interviews are intended to be fun, good-humored and engaging chit-chat between friends--and just like when you are talking with your friends, sometimes you laugh and share encouragement or heart-warming funny stories, and sometimes you talk about deeper things. We sometimes focus on the books and writing process, but other times we take a deep dive into the secret lives of authors. There is a lot of great content in that mix, and I hope you join us!

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