Using A CRM To Track Leads And Systemize Your Acquisitions artwork
The Land Investing Business Secrets

Using A CRM To Track Leads And Systemize Your Acquisitions

  • E24
  • 25:10
  • February 20th 2020

Vacant land investor, Jon Burnette, shares his insights on his acquisitions process. He's a firm believer in taking action and learning the process first before getting your entire system perfected. See what systems, software, and steps Jon takes to build his investing machine.

Listen to this episode as Jon explains:

  • Overview of Acquisition process
  • Working with an acquisitions manager
  • How a lead enters his system and where they go
  • Core tools to manage, automate and delegate work
  • CRM options that are not too complicated

The Land Investing Business Secrets

Learn how to fully utilize simple digital marketing strategies and tools for your vacant land investing business. Learn about tested methods and avoid some of the difficult lessons so that you can fast track your own investing with minimal risk.

The Land Investing Business Secrets Podcast show by Pebble, hosted by Jessey Kwong, reveals the strategies to growing, scaling, and building your sustainable land investing business all behind your laptop and smartphone form anywhere around the world!