Kristiina Aljas-Saarma - Everything You Need to Know About E-Residency artwork
Remote Work Movement Podcast

Kristiina Aljas-Saarma - Everything You Need to Know About E-Residency

  • 50:40
  • July 14th 2020

Kristiina is the Head of Sales at 1Office Group, a company helping entrepreneurs like myself to start their company in Estonia through the E-residency program.

In this podcast you will learn everything about E-residency and why you should open a company in Estonia.

Kristiina knows everything about the E-residency program and I learned a lot from her during this interview.

Check 1Office at

Remote Work Movement Podcast

Remote work is changing the way people work, live and interact with each other. As a growing trend, I want to help you work remotely by providing interviews with outstanding people doing their best work, remotely.