Flywheel of longevity artwork
Resilience Talk

Flywheel of longevity

  • S1E2
  • 24:54
  • January 19th 2024

Imagine life as a flywheel — a giant wheel that, once set in motion, keeps gaining momentum. In the context of family, this flywheel is fueled by wisdom. I stumbled upon this idea when my first child arrived, a time filled with chaos, sleepless nights, and countless “Why didn’t anyone tell me about this?” moments. It made me realize that the real legacy we can pass on isn’t just wealth or knowledge but wisdom — the kind that’s been seasoned by experiences, failures, and triumphs.

Resilience Talk

From Paul Spencer of Second Nature Solutions, a conversation about the complexities and nuances of building resilient family enterprises, especially in the face of economic and political uncertainties that loom on the horizon. See more at