What's Wrong with Gluten? with Dr. Tom O'Bryan artwork
Resilient Health Radio

What's Wrong with Gluten? with Dr. Tom O'Bryan

  • S1E19
  • 35:53
  • April 21st 2023

Have you ever heard of this: someone who is gluten sensitive goes on vacation to Italy and can tolerate eating pasta and bread? 

There is so much more “wrong with gluten” than just, well, gluten itself! Even if you aren't gluten-intolerant, you’re going to want to listen to this podcast episode with Dr. Tom O’Bryan.

This episode doesn’t just talk about what gluten does to your body physiologically - but all of the collateral damage that comes with consuming wheat.

Also, just because you don't get the immediate gas and bloating that comes with gluten intolerance, doesn't mean that you're not having a problem with wheat!

Dr. O’Bryan is hosting a 10-Day Leaky Gut Challenge. I highly suggest you join this, especially considering 70-80% of immune cells in your body live in the gut: https://vc365.isrefer.com/go/gutchallenge/dingels/

Resilient Health Radio

Resilient Health Radio gathers guest experts with the tools to tap into our body’s natural intelligence to heal. This podcast is hosted by Dr. Darin Ingels, a Naturopathic Doctor based in southern California.