The Enneagram is a great tool to learn more about our personality and why we do and react the way we do. It helps us understand and enhance our everyday relationships.
Today our Type 1 guests are Kristi Perez (Founder of Inspire) and Taleah Murray (Executive Director of Ministry @Crossroads Church, Corona). They will give us insight and understanding to the core desire behind a type 1: To do things right!! They have an inner critic that is constantly evaluating their performance. Type 1's often come across as judgemental, but if they learn first how to build relationships, they are a valuable asset to make the world a better place. If you struggle with a perfectionist personality, listen in to gain clarity and better understanding.
Find out more about Kristi Perez and Inspire at https://inspirelifeskills.org/ My co-host is Kristi Perez. She is the founder of Inspire Life Skills Training and a Business/Life Coach utilizing the Ennegram. www.inspirelifeskills.org
Next Enneagram recording will be Nov 20th Discussing Type 2: The Helper
Julie Pearson is the host of Revive Podcast. She is a writer, speaker, and ministry leader. Find our more information at https://juliepearson.org/ Julie Pearson is a Speaker, Author, and Coach.
Revive Podcast with Julie Pearson
Revive Podcast is a place where you will hear inspiring testimonies and expert information to encourage and help you live REVIVED in the difficult areas of life. We also record video live on Facebook @juliepearsonblog https://juliepearson.org/ instagram: @juliepearson68