Make Health Your Habit! - Ken Barnes artwork
"RHINO IN THE ROOM" with Paul McKenzie on FOAM20

Make Health Your Habit! - Ken Barnes

  • S1E17
  • 1:05:45
  • April 4th 2021

Ken Barnes is also known as The L.E.A.N MindBody Coach. 

He is first and foremost the proud Father of two girls that light up his life. Ken is a certified Health Coach who is passionate about making health simple and helping people to make health a habit. He is also an author of a number of books, a podcaster, trainer and social entrepreneur. A real life changing experience for Ken was looking in the mirror and feeling unwell and embarrassed by the way his body looked. This motivated him to lose 50lbs in six months, by doing this he reversed his prediabetes and also cured his sleep apnoea .Ken went on to write a book called ‘ The L.E.A.N MindBody Method’The book highlights the four protocols he used to move from being overweight, tired and sick to being lean, fit, and healthy. Ken also developed The L.E.A.N MindBody Method Behaviour Pathway a tried and tested 9- part framework which can assist you in becoming healthier and more productive.

RHINO IN THE ROOM with Paul McKenzie

With the changing world we feel it is more fitting to call this Podcast ‘The Rhino in The room".

"The elephant in the room" is a problem that everyone knows is there but no one wants to acknowledge.

We are in challenging times, and there’s a lot to be addressed. Sadly the elephant cannot remain sitting in the corner of the room anymore. Communication requires a different approach.

Paul McKenzie, Public Speaker, and Public Correspondent will host an array of podcasts discussing everything from social issues to light hearted banter. The shows will invite guests to share their views and challenge the norms.

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