#4 with Daniel M. Rosenberg - Finding Fulfillment through Podcasting artwork
Rest In Peace

#4 with Daniel M. Rosenberg - Finding Fulfillment through Podcasting

  • E4
  • 44:24
  • July 4th 2020


  • Jews and Zionism
  • Coping with the loss of a grandparent and miscarriage
  • How the Joker is the antihero of our time

"My last meal on Earth...I've got favorite food but it doesn't really matter. If I were to have my favorite food in a box alone it wouldn't be as good as having a sandwich with my wife, kids, parents, grandparents and good friends. I'd care with who I was eating at the table with." - Daniel M. Rosenberg

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Rest In Peace

Learn to die. Learn to live. Stories and wisdom for our final destination. Hosted by Edward Tay đź’€