Keep it Kind! The Kindness Revolution artwork
Rising Core powered by Burman's Health Shop

Keep it Kind! The Kindness Revolution

  • S1E2
  • 53:50
  • April 12th 2019

Marty and Professor Ted talk with special guest, Judith Trustone, a global activist, author, and leader of the Global Kindness Revolution and resident of Delaware County. Learn about the power of kindness circles, her work in prison reform and how together we can heal violence, racism and meanness. 

Kindness Circles soon to be held at Burman's Health Shop!

To learn more about Judith Trustone, check out her book The Global Kindness Revolution, available in-store, or email her at[email protected]. Keep it kind!

Rising Core powered by Burman's Health Shop

Marty and Ted from Burman's Health Shop in Brookhaven, PA discuss natural health solutions with special guests and leaders in the field of Mindy Body and Spirit.