008 - Rug Hooking Cut Sizes Explained artwork
Rug Hooking

008 - Rug Hooking Cut Sizes Explained

  • 18:24
  • November 21st 2017

Deciding on your favorite cut size is a combination of what look you like and what your body can handle.

See the show notes on my website for more photos and downloads, https://cindigayrughooking.com/rh008

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Use a Bullet Journal to document your rug hooking.

Rug Hooking

Rug hooking is a visual art involving wool fabric and other fibers, but there are some things we can talk about that don't require the visual part. For all things visual, view my weekly Live! Rug Hooking Lesson at rughooklive.com.

For on the go, this rug hooking podcast will allow you to learn more about rug hooking while your eyes are otherwise occupied ... like when you are hooking.

Presented by Cindi Gay, award winning rug hooking artist and teacher.

    © Content of the site and podcast can only be used with the express written consent of Cindi Gay of Cindi Gay Rug Hooking
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