104 - (Part 1) Abby Medcalf: Simple Tips For Creating Superior Relationships, Both Personally and Professionally artwork
Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota

104 - (Part 1) Abby Medcalf: Simple Tips For Creating Superior Relationships, Both Personally and Professionally

  • E104
  • 24:13
  • February 17th 2022

 Abby Medcalf is a Relationship Maven, psychologist, author, podcast host and Tedx speaker who has helped thousands of people think differently so they can create connection, ease and joy in their relationships (especially the one with yourself)! With her unique background in both business and counseling, she brings a fresh, effective perspective to life’s struggles using humor and her direct, no-nonsense style. With over 30 years of experience, Abby is a recognized authority and sought-after speaker at organizations such as Google, Apple, AT&T, Kaiser, PG&E, American Airlines and Chevron. She’s been a featured expert on CBS and ABC news, and has been a contributor to Huff Post, Women’s Health, and Bustle. She’s the author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book, “Be Happily Married, Even if Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing,” and the host of the top-rated “Relationships Made Easy” Podcast. Her new book and program, Negative Thinking Sucks, and Not in a Good Way will be out soon!

Stay tuned for Part 2!

You can find Abby Medcalf online...


Twitter: @AbbyThriving

YouTube: Abby Medcalf Thriving

Instagram: @abbymedcalfthriving

Facebook: Abby Medcalf

LinkedIn: Abby Medcalf Thriving

Originally published on 02/17/22

Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota

Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota is a podcast about people who've turned their emotional shit into fertilizer for success. It's about seeing our darkest moments as opportunities for learning, growth and transformation. We'll cover topics like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, narcissism versus self-care and difficult family and work relationships. For more, visit http://marciasirotamd.com/.

Dr. Marcia Sirota is a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Toronto, Canada. She has more than 25 years of experience and specializes in health and wellness, healing trauma, unblocking creativity and empowering people to be their best self. She is the author of 5 books and an instructor of Udemy online courses. In her spare time, she enjoys screenwriting, yoga and working out.