SaaS Growth Show #02 - Building An Online Video Maker Platform With David Lee From Offeo artwork
SaaS Growth Show

SaaS Growth Show #02 - Building An Online Video Maker Platform With David Lee From Offeo

  • S1E2
  • 22:48
  • July 27th 2020

What You Will Learn

  • How an online video maker platform can help your social media and marketing strategies
  • Growth strategies to build a tech startup
  • Importance of having a CTO for a tech-driven product 

From the challenges to build Offeo, to the motivating force behind the building of the online video makeup tool, Offeo CEO David Lee, talks to MarTech Wise about the journey to building and growing a tech-based startup.

Today, he discusses the behind the scenes of building Offeo. What issues needed to be address from the get go? How did they position it in a scalable, value-adding way to make motion graphics available to practitioners and non-practitioners alike? 

David also shares about the importance of having partners who think at the same wavelength, joining with startup accelerators and companies that complement the services, and making sure the product is something people will love and learn from. He also gave the #1 MarTech tool they are using right now and shared how it is transforming their business. 

"As a new start-up, we keep iterating and changing to meet the customers' need. - David Lee from Offeo

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The SaaS Growth Show is a podcast, presented by MarTech Wise, hosted by Donald Chan. It goes behind the scenes with today’s top SaaS founders and marketers

SaaS Growth Show

Welcome to the SaaS Growth Show, presented by MarTech Wise. This is the podcast that goes behind the scenes with today’s top SaaS founders and marketers. 

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Donald Chan
Founder, Head of Content

Donald Chan is the Founder and Head of Content at MarTech Wise and Web Agency Wise, a leading online community for digital marketers, agency professionals, and startup founders. He also runs a portfolio of digital agencies and productized services.