2024's Compliance Horizon: Navigating OSHA's Expanded Recordkeeping Rule artwork
Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus

2024's Compliance Horizon: Navigating OSHA's Expanded Recordkeeping Rule

  • S4E253
  • 28:06
  • January 29th 2024

In this enlightening episode titled "2024's Compliance Horizon: Navigating OSHA's Expanded Recordkeeping Rule," we delve into the pivotal updates to OSHA's Recordkeeping regulations that came into effect on January 1, 2024. Aimed primarily at high-hazard industries, these amendments are set to reshape how establishments report and submit injury and illness data. The episode provides a detailed walkthrough of the expanded electronic submission requirements, emphasizing the inclusion of OSHA Form 300 and Form 301 details along with the previously required Form 300A. Listeners will gain insights into the significance of these changes and how they are expected to enhance workplace safety and transparency.

The conversation further explores the intentions behind OSHA's strategy to improve data quality and public accessibility. By mandating the inclusion of legal company names in submissions and planning to make the data publicly accessible on its website, OSHA aims to foster an environment of informed decision-making and accountability. The episode discusses the potential impacts of these measures, including the reduction of occupational injuries and illnesses and the provision of valuable insights at the industry level, thereby enabling employers, employees, and the public to make more informed decisions regarding workplace safety and health.

Lastly, the episode guides employers through the technicalities of the submission process, detailing the functionalities of the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) and the various methods available for data submission. With the deadline for submission set for March 2nd of the year following the calendar year covered by the forms, the episode emphasizes the importance of compliance and timely action. Listeners will come away with a comprehensive understanding of the new OSHA Recordkeeping rule, equipped with the knowledge to navigate these changes effectively for your clients.

Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus

The Safety Consultant Podcast with Sheldon Primus is your ultimate weekly guide to starting or growing a profitable occupational safety and health consulting business. Are you ready to be your own boss and make a greater impact? Your expertise can help more people create safer workplaces, and your skills deserve a platform where they can truly shine. If you feel limited in your current role and believe your knowledge could serve the broader workforce more effectively, this podcast is for you. Join us as we explore the steps to launch your own safety consulting business, share insights on navigating the industry, and provide strategies to maximize your impact on workplace health and safety. Now is the perfect time to take control of your career and make a difference!

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Sheldon Primus

Sheldon is an active US safety consultant, trainer for the Cerified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS), Certificate of Occupational Safety Manager (COSM), Authorized OSHA Outreach Instructor, Instructor for MidSouth OSHA Training Institute Education Center.

Sheldon is an author, speaker, and executive coach.

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