Saints News Network
Bayou Blitz Podcast - Conquering Summits with Mark Pattison
- S3E11
- 1:07:58
- March 11th 2020
Bob Rose and Kyle T. Mosley of the Bayou Blitz Podcast welcomes former Mark Pattison as their guest. Mark is a former NFL and Saints player. He is also the Senior Vice President of Business Development for Sports Illustrated. Mark is in training to climb his seventh highest summit in the world, and what could be the most daring, Mount Everest. Listen to Mark's views on the novel coronavirus, his NFL career, former players, and Sports Illustrated's new business model.
Saints News Network
Saints News Network Podcast Lineup:
- Bayou Blitz (Bob Rose and Kyle T. Mosley)
- Crescent City Connection (Kyle T. Mosley, Charita "Diva" Batiste, Bob Rose, Remy Jones, Barry Hirstius, Brendan Boylan, Kevin Buckles, Ken "Snatcher" Times)
- The Butler's Pantry (Brendan Boylan)
- NFL Huddle (Frank Jones)
- Saints Angels (Dr. Carla Antoine, Melissa Smith)
- D'Professor Speaks (Derek "D'Professor" Stephens, Kevin Buckles and Brendan Boylan) - Stephens' death 2017
- From the Coach's Office (Rick Gaille and Kyle T. Mosley) - Gaille's death 2018
Former Hosted Podcasts:
- Big Easy Blitz (John Hendrix and Barry Hirstius),
- Who Dat Confessional (Deuce Windham and Brian Bienemy)