Unapologetically optimistic & defiantly hopeful for 2022 I Dana Muir, BNZ artwork
Sarah's Country

Unapologetically optimistic & defiantly hopeful for 2022 I Dana Muir, BNZ

  • S3E25
  • 36:50
  • December 24th 2021

The angst and noise of 2021 have led to a division in New Zealand's primary sector.

However, the division appears to come down to whether farmers & growers are in the camp of a mindset that is optimistic, open-minded to change and unfearful of the future. Or not.


"Positivity doesn't mean your ignoring life's stress, you're just approaching hardship in a productive way," explains Dana Muir, Head of Natural Capital, BNZ.


As the last Sarah's Country Sister for the year, Dana Muir, Head of Natural Capital at BNZ, explains how the New Zealand farmers & growers focused on the megatrends of our global consumers are well advanced to be successful, future-fit businessmen and women.

And there may be more of them than you realise!


BNZ's 'Shift Happens' survey shows that 53% of farmers & growers feel that the changing landscape of the primary sector was an "opportunity for their business".

Also, 42% of farmers & growers said they "would diversify their land use to meet consumer expectations", but the majority of those surveyed do believe that the pace of regulations pace is too fast.

Dana explains that regulations appear to be merely aligned to megatrends globally as well as corporates rising demand of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) considerations in their decision making of the sourcing of their products in their supply chain.

She urges that farm environment plans & emission reduction plans will help our farmers & growers tell a better story of the food & fibre from their farms.

Sustainability-linked loans that BNZ pioneered with Southern Pastures can help incentive change and support farmers & growers with the right tools to be more ambitious than regulation. 

The rise of the conscious investor has seen the global market for sustainable investing in 2021 surge from USD $50 billion in Q1 2021 to USD $150 billion by Q4 2021.

BNZ aspires to have $10 billion of sustainability linked loans by 2025.


"Have a wonderful, well-deserved break! Set your sights on a prosperous 2022 where we can continue to be defiantly hopeful. Let's strive for more than the bare minimum of what is required of us to get ahead of the global signals. Thank you for being a valued member of Sarah's Country's community with record listenership in 2021, and I value your continued support more than you will ever know!! Merry Christmas" - Sarah Perriam

Sarah's Country

Growing food and fibre is an exciting but complex world to be in.

Sarah's Country is a musterer of the minds bringing together passionate innovators, and inspiring future-thinkers with a dose of practical reality.

Sarah Perriam-Lampp is an award-winning rural journalist with a decade of experience across TV, radio, podcast, and print where her pulse of New Zealand's farming sector makes Sarah's Country a valuable mainstay in your podcast library. 

Join the tens of thousands of listeners monthly who tune in from across the world to gain insights and connections on how to tackle the complexity of farming for the future - together.

To contact the show email: [email protected]

About Sarah

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Sarah Perriam
TV & Radio Host, Creative Director - Perriam Media

As a leading voice in New Zealand agriculture, Sarah Perriam has worked for over a decade behind & in front of the camera in rural media, recognised for her extraordinary commitment to progressing the conversation of farming food and fashion-forward with an open heart & open mind.

Sarah has led an impressive career well-known from her nation-wide role as a radio host and a rural commentator on the AM Show. 

It was through this pivotal part in her career she was thrust into a position of representing the role females play in the growth of agribusiness & global trade whilst balancing an important emotive and educated discussion with our consumers around farming.

Sarah is both a host of the popular show 'Sarah's Country' and businesswomen with her production agency, Perriam Media with a team of 7 and a video & radio studio in Canterbury New Zealand.


Sarah’s Country is produced in a strategic alliance with the country’s largest rural newspaper, Farmers Weekly, broadcast LIVE 7 pm three nights a week and on-demand on the podcast to an audience of 70,000. She discussing the matters that matter most to passionate producers of food & fibre with open hearts & open minds.