How to Run an Event on Social Media The RIGHT Way Ft. Paul Sokol artwork
Savage Marketer Podcast

How to Run an Event on Social Media The RIGHT Way Ft. Paul Sokol

  • S1E30
  • 46:05
  • August 10th 2020

Does your business thrive off of face to face engagement like social events but its been lacking since the pandemic? Corona has started to really strangle that involvement because folks dont know the awesome benefits of pivoting their events online and using social media to draw that participation. Well, you are here to learn something savage and I have Paul Sokol here to unload a wealth of social media event marketing on us. The very online strategies he’ll be teaching us can also be applied to offline events, so dont fret once life gets back to normal you can continue hosting successful functions!

Paul Sokol is the self-proclaimed Automation Jedi! Amongst many happy clients, he has worked with Shark Tank winners and designed automation funnels that turned six figures within nine days. As a thought leader in automated experience design, his passion is to achieve meaningful outcomes with humanized automation to maximize input effort. You dont want to miss out on listening to this guy. Here are a few Savage Takeaways:

  • The genius of utilizing Facebook event pages as a great tactic to drive your business
  • Fantastic ways to remarket to folks who are interested and just need to RSVP or buy tickets
  • How to capture attention by bypassing news feeds and hop right into notifications to promote the hype of your event.

How to Run an Event on Social Media The RIGHT Way Ft. Paul Sokol

Value Bombs

1. “You're literally hijacking the news feed because once somebody says they're going to an event, those event updates are being prioritized in notifications so they know it's important to you.” ~Jeff 

2. “If you have an email list, set up the event, and then blast your list with the event. Hey, this new events coming on go RSVP because now you're funneling people from your email list into your remarketing” ~Paul

3. “Remember the audience's challenges. If you can keep presenting them with the value of why they should go to the event, they'll actually show up” ~Jeff

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Show Notes 

How to Run an Event on Social Media The RIGHT Way Ft. Paul Sokol

[4:30] Things needed to launch a successful event on social media.

[8:41] The simple start-up to create an event.

[11:56] The bells and whistles for planning that you need to use to maximize the exposure of your day.

[16:55] How to get the conversation going using free stuff. 

[19:52] The hidden news feed that goes straight to notifications.

[21:54] Use a variety of angles and appeals in your post to speak to different audiences.

[25:35] Ways to use paid advertising as a funnel to generate traffic to your event page.

[30:46] Tools to use beyond Facebook for integration to get deeper into your target audience.

[36:20] Time segmenting your audience that has responded to your event, to keep them engaged.

[39:10] Free advertisement to niche audiences outside of newsfeeds and notifications. 

[42:41] Utilize your email list to cross-promote the event as well.

[43:17] During the event, go live to promote it’s hype, engagement, and grow your audience. 

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The Savage Marketer Podcast hosted by Jeff J Hunter brings together the world's best marketers to share THEIR most SAVAGE Marketing strategies.

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