Engage, Surprise and Delight your Customers with a Handwrytten Card with David Wachs artwork
Science of CX

Engage, Surprise and Delight your Customers with a Handwrytten Card with David Wachs

  • S1E39
  • 37:03
  • September 11th 2020

Have you ever thought about the personal touch we have lost in communicating with our clients and suppliers? In the future, let's take a lesson from the past and really "WOW" our customers, by using a Handrwrytten note instead of an email. Steve sits down with David Wachs, Handwrytten's Founder and CEO to discuss how his subscribers can make their customers and suppliers feel very special. Try the service out.

For more info:

Twitter: @davidbwachs


https://twitter.com/handwrytten (@handwrytten)



Science of CX

CX Connoisseur, Steve Pappas, shares his insights on how to turn your customers into loyal brand ambassadors.

Known for his relentless pursuit of all things 'customer', Steve knows how to help your business and create experiences that customers respond to.

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