I struggled with an eating disorder for over a decade | Cheryl Tay artwork
Screwed Up Moments

I struggled with an eating disorder for over a decade | Cheryl Tay

  • S1E2
  • 34:39
  • October 10th 2019

What would you do to achieve your “ideal figure”? What lengths are you willing to go to just to hit some number on a weighing scale? In this episode of the Screwed Up Moments podcast, we deal with the topics of body image issues and eating disorders with the remarkable story of Cheryl Tay.

While Cheryl leads a vibrant life today donning the various roles of blogger, photographer, fitness enthusiast, motoring journalist, and much more, it belies a dark and difficult past. One that includes everything from bullying, to insecurity, to body image issues, and eventually, to over a decade of eating disorders.


Cheryl Tay website

Rock the Naked Truth

Singapore Women’s Weekly Body Positivity Feature

Cheryl Tay: The Iron Lady Behind Body Image Movement Rock The Naked Truth

Love Your Body #1: Opening Up About the Struggles


Theme music for the Screwed Up Moments podcast is the track “A Delicate Moment”, originally composed by Rico Lo of Melodise and performed by Julian Law for this podcast.

Music used in the main body of this episode was provided by Blue Dot Sessions and covered under their blanket license, which you can at sessions.blue. For full track listing please head over to our show notes at www.happinessinitiative.sg


The Screwed Up Moments podcast is a joint production of Happiness Initiative and Fable Productions. Executive producers are Simon Leow and Sherman Ho. Production and editing by Danny Koordi of Fabl Productions, with production assistance from Clarissa Wemple.


You can reach out to us through these links:

Happiness Initiative

Website: happinessinitiative.sg/

Facebook: facebook.com/happinessinitiative.sg/

Instagram: instagram.com/happinessinitiative.sg/

Fabl Productions

Facebook: facebook.com/fablproductions

Instagram: instagram.com/fablproductions/

If you have your own Screwed Up Moments story to share for future podcast episodes, do write us an e-mail at [email protected]

Screwed Up Moments

Human and authentic stories of failure and redemption. Because everyone screws up at some point in their lives, and everyone needs to know that it is okay to fail, and it is okay to try again.

A podcast by the Singaporean social enterprise Happiness Initiative. Produced by Fabl Productions.