It's ok to fail, it's ok to try again (Full Trailer) artwork
Screwed Up Moments

It's ok to fail, it's ok to try again (Full Trailer)

  • S1
  • 03:34
  • September 22nd 2019

We are often drawn to stories of success and triumph, and for good reason, they make us feel good or they inspire us to be better.

But the other side is also equally important. For these are the harsh realities behind the veneer of success. Such as, failing to realize a dream, or simply incurring some tragic misfortune. In other words, these are Screwed Up Moments.

And the point of this is not to wallow in people’s misery, or to glorify failure. Rather, these are moments for empathy, vulnerability, and redemption. Where we lend a shoulder and say it’s ok to fail, and it’s ok to try again.

For our first season we will be speaking to 9 individuals as they recount their harrowing experiences. These are stories ranging from cancer, depression, and miscarriage. To shattered dreams, burnout, and car accidents. They are painful, heart wrenching, and tragic. But more importantly, these are the stories of how people were beaten down to the worst point in their lives, and how through all the pain and suffering, they willed themselves up, and kept on trying.

Coming to all podcast feeds in October 2019.


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Screwed Up Moments

Human and authentic stories of failure and redemption. Because everyone screws up at some point in their lives, and everyone needs to know that it is okay to fail, and it is okay to try again.

A podcast by the Singaporean social enterprise Happiness Initiative. Produced by Fabl Productions.