SUM+ (10): Stephen Lew from The School of Positive Psychology artwork
Screwed Up Moments

SUM+ (10): Stephen Lew from The School of Positive Psychology

  • S1
  • 31:51
  • April 2nd 2020

Hello guys, hope you are doing well, here is another episode of our bonus series, Screwed Up Moments Plus.

In today's episode I am really excited to be speaking to Stephen Lew, who runs The School of Positive Psychology here in Singapore. His school promotes many of the same values that underlie many of our Screwed Up Moments stories including gratitude, resilience, or meaning, and several of the school’s graduates have even appeared on the podcast as well.

Here we talk about how and why Stephen got into the field of positive psychology, his winding and unconventional route to get there, as well as his own podcast, Getting Naked with Happiness.  

Hope you enjoy!

You can check out The School of Positive Psychology here:

Listen to the Getting Naked with Happiness Podcast here:

Also, just a heads up, we are finishing up production for Screwed Up Moments season 2, season to come soon!

You can reach out to us through these links:

Happiness Initiative Website:



Fabl Productions Facebook:


If you have your own Screwed Up Moments story to share for future podcast episodes, do write us an e-mail at [email protected].

Screwed Up Moments

Human and authentic stories of failure and redemption. Because everyone screws up at some point in their lives, and everyone needs to know that it is okay to fail, and it is okay to try again.

A podcast by the Singaporean social enterprise Happiness Initiative. Produced by Fabl Productions.