SUM+ (5): What is a Social Enterprise? artwork
Screwed Up Moments

SUM+ (5): What is a Social Enterprise?

  • S1
  • 15:59
  • January 14th 2020

Hello guys, here is another episode of Screwed Up Moments Plus, hope you all are doing well. 

So, as we all know and as I keep reiterating from the Screwed Up Moments episodes, this show is brought to you by a Singaporean Social Enterprise called Happiness Initiative. Social enterprises in my view, have always been fascinating to me, they are halfway between a for-profit business and a non-profit entity. Basically a business with a social cause. And in this episode, we will be examining that a little further! Where in the previous Screwed Up Moments Plus we were able to learn a little bit about the co-founders of Happiness Initiative and why they started Screwed Up Moments, today we are going to be learning about their social enterprises as well as those of others! I was fortunate enough to attend the local festival Music for a Cause back in August 2019, and I managed to capture a bunch of short interviews with some very interesting people around this very subject. So yeah, hope you find it interesting! 

Do check out Happiness Initiative they are a really cool entity, and hope you learn something new about social enterprises! Enjoy!

Guests Interviewed

Simon Leow - Happiness Initiative

Sherman Ho - Happiness Initiative

Clarence Ching - Access 

Yushu - The Kint Story

Joe - Love Action Project

Tickets for the Happiness Conference 2020 are on sale and you can purchase tickets at this link (1-for-1 early bird sales while stocks last!)


You can reach out to us through these links:

Happiness Initiative




Fabl Productions



If you have your own Screwed Up Moments story to share for future podcast episodes, do write us an e-mail at [email protected]

Screwed Up Moments

Human and authentic stories of failure and redemption. Because everyone screws up at some point in their lives, and everyone needs to know that it is okay to fail, and it is okay to try again.

A podcast by the Singaporean social enterprise Happiness Initiative. Produced by Fabl Productions.