When a Home isn’t a Home | Jessica Goh artwork
Screwed Up Moments

When a Home isn’t a Home | Jessica Goh

  • S2E10
  • 45:29
  • August 2nd 2020

Home is comfort. Home is security. Home is where our sense of belonging is fulfilled. But for some, home can be dysfunctional and terrifying. A place that brings up resentment rather than love, and which creates traumas instead of rosy memories. In this episode of the Screwed Up Moments podcast, we explore this perspective of home with the story of Jessica Goh, someone whose experience was far more complicated than what your basic internet platitude would suggest.


The Screwed Up Moments podcast is a joint production of Happiness Initiative and Fable Productions. Executive producers are Simon Leow and Sherman Ho. Production and editing was done by Danny Koordi of Fabl Productions.

If you have your own Screwed Up Moments story to share for future podcast episodes, do write us an e-mail at [email protected].

Screwed Up Moments

Human and authentic stories of failure and redemption. Because everyone screws up at some point in their lives, and everyone needs to know that it is okay to fail, and it is okay to try again.

A podcast by the Singaporean social enterprise Happiness Initiative. Produced by Fabl Productions.