Dr Gareth Cave, Founder and Director of Pharm2Farm Limited Interview artwork
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Dr Gareth Cave, Founder and Director of Pharm2Farm Limited Interview

  • 16:57
  • November 17th 2020

Nov 17, 8:10 PM






Pharm2Farm Limited ("P2F") anti-viral surgical mask project

P2F has developed a coating for textiles which incorporates its proprietary nanoparticles to give textiles long-lasting virucidal properties. The first application of this technology has been to coat a fabric layer in surgical masks and produce a certified antiviral (including COVID-19 and Influenza) mask for use by both healthcare professionals and the public.

Dr Gareth Caveis a University Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, who has invented a face mask that is "more than 90% effective at killing coronavirus.

The anti-viral face-covering features a fluid-repellent outer layer which reduces the inhalation of droplets that carry Covid-19.

There is also a copper lining embedded in the mask which releases ions which kill the virus if they come into contact with it.

Tests have shown that the masks kills more than 90% of flu and coronavirus infections.


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