Winning Results through Audience Targeting | Chris Rodriguez artwork TV

Winning Results through Audience Targeting | Chris Rodriguez

  • S1E112
  • 12:21
  • April 16th 2024

Chris Rodriguez, CEO of iExcel

In this TV discussion, David McBee and Chris Rodriguez explore the evolution of digital marketing, emphasizing measurable performance alongside targeted awareness campaigns. Chris shares insights on leveraging display ads for audience targeting and conversion success, while also highlighting the effectiveness of social messaging and SMS marketing. The conversation underscores the importance of personalized outreach and adapting strategies to the ever-changing digital landscape. TV TV provides opportunities to showcase leaders and doers in the marketing and advertising space, allowing them to share their insights, perspectives and unique stories. Interviews are brief (under 10 minutes), educational, and ideal for viewers wishing to learn from their peers. TV integrates news and trends from digital and marketing companies globally. TV’s interviews feature trends in marketing, digital, programmatic, creative, connected TV, and the great people behind them. TV works to be a real-time source of all things marketing from top companies around the globe. TV is sponsored by, a leading provider of workflow software and programmatic solutions to advertising agencies and other media buying organizations.