S1. Ep. 5 - Robert Angel artwork
Single Dads Are Sexy

S1. Ep. 5 - Robert Angel

  • 56:54
  • January 25th 2019

Today we’re talking to fellow single dad, Robert Angel.

Rob is best known as the Creator of Pictionary

While still waiting tables Rob created, produced and marketed the first 1000 Pictionary games (of 38 million sold) in his tiny apartment. There was no Internet, no Facebook and the PC wasn’t even mainstream yet. By using social media of the day, word of mouth, he used a very get your hands dirty approach to success. A manual on how to produce and sell a board game didn’t exist, so he used his intuition and by listening to his gut he created a global brand that became the biggest selling board game of the last 30 years.

Rob is writing a memoir of his life’s philosophies and his journey with Pictionary. Divorced since 2001 Rob is an avid participant in Burning Man, runs with the bulls, whale shark dives and is always looking for the next adventure. His life is definitely not boring.

Most proud accomplishment: Father to Samantha age 24 and Ben age 22. 2 outstanding human beings!

Rob and I talk about keeping it positive with your ex, getting back to being friends, keeping kids out of the middle, getting along with your ex, how to keep the disruption to your kids to a minimum, creating one on one time for each of your kids, why he doesn’t want to hang out with his kids at Burning Man, and getting back to dating.

Single Dads Are Sexy

Single Dads Are Sexy: Your Guide to Thriving in Your First Solo Year. Life hacks, advice, and stories to amuse and inspire from guys that have been there and done that. They say that kids don't come with a user's manual. Well, they do now.