Getting to That First $10k Month artwork
Social Media Sales Sex and Why You Don't Suck

Getting to That First $10k Month

  • S5E42
  • 48:31
  • June 14th 2021

We loved having Ellen Yin on the podcast.  The creator of Cubicle to CEO fell into entrepreneurship by accident. She knows what it’s like to have to start over and still come out on top. Ellen even launched her tiny offer right before the pandemic and has sold it exclusively via ads. She also just recently hit $1 million in revenue!

Ellen Yin has served over 7,000 entrepreneurs and brands through her online courses +  marketing agency services. Her online membership teaches solopreneurs who offer clients services how to make their first $10K month - without a large audience or posting every day.

Connect with Ellen at

Social Media Sales Sex and Why You Don't Suck

Let's talk about Social Media, Sales, Sex and Why You Don't Suck. Join Nellie Corriveau and Crissy Conner as they talk about all things growing your business with social media, sales and relationships. We will also touch on sex, feeling sexy in your business and most importantly you do not suck, you are amazing and we are in this together!