055, Wendy Lipton-Dibner, Author, Focus on Impact artwork
Social Entrepreneur

055, Wendy Lipton-Dibner, Author, Focus on Impact

  • 22:30
  • March 9th 2016

The desire to make a sustainable difference, an impact, is a megatrend that social researcher Wendy Lipton-Dibner has been tracking for years. Wendy is a best-selling author. Her latest book is Focus On Impact, The 10-Step Map to Reach Millions, Make Millions and Love Your Life Along the Way.

Keep in mind, when Wendy says “impact” she uses a broader definition than one might use when talking about impact investing. Still, for more than 35 years, Wendy has been researching the question of why focusing on impact leads to greater business outcomes.

Wendy points to “the social shift” that occurred when social media became widely used. Suddenly, one-way corporate pronouncements were not sufficient. Conscious consumers wanted to engage with businesses in a two-way dialog.

As baby boomers begin their exit strategy and millennials take a stand in the workplace, the desire to make an impact is becoming central to business.

Wendy shared her story generously, enough so that, for the first time, we are offering an extended play version of this interview. You can find it here: http://traffic.libsyn.com/tonyloyd/SE055-EXTENDED.mp3

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